


Motherhood is great, and at times not so great.  You know what I mean; we mums have all been there!  I reckon If you were to put on a scale all the highs and all the lows of motherhood they will probably weigh in the same.  However what the scales cannot measure is the deep joy, the love, the pride and the friendship a mother enjoys throughout the various stages of her role, which completely tips the scales.  Nothing in the world can replace all that.  Ever!

A mother’s role is all-important, it doesn’t just stop with bringing up her children the best they can.  Mother is, in most cases the first teacher the child learns from, and what ever the child learns throughout the early years does not just stop with him or her, it gets passed down the generations.  It’s just as important to pass on all the great values, as it is to love and nurture the child because it’s what shapes future generations.

I am so grateful to my mother who stood for what she believed in and provided me and my sister with the best private education that she could not afford, she fought for it and struggled to do so, not just financially but also in a culture that placed more importance on son’s education, she prioritised our education over my brothers, because she believed that the girls go on to become mothers and they pass on that education and values to shape the future generations.   I am grateful to her for showing me how to go after what you really believe in, against all odds.  So perhaps I am not a rebel but my mothers daughter.  I love you mother, and I hope I have instilled those values in my own two lovely daughters.

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