

What else leads to Osteoporosis?

Growing up in Pakistan, I never saw elderly people hunched over, so when I came to live in the United Kingdom and saw this for the first time, I learnt that the condition is caused by lack of calcium in the diet, which leads to Osteoporosis.  Even though in the west there is much greater consumption of dairy.
This led me to question the traditional belief that calcium deficiency leads to Osteoporosis. It is true that calcium is necessary to prevent it – but it is not the whole truth.

As you get older, bone regeneration slows down whilst bone loss increases. This creates net loss of bone, particularly for women, as they lose calcium during menopause, which can result in weaker bones.  Osteoporosis affects men as well; approximately a quarter of all hip fractures are men.

One other factor to take into account is the blood pH balance and how it affects your bones. You see, bones store calcium and magnesium – both very alkalising minerals.  So, if the blood becomes too acidic the body leeches these minerals out of your bones, leading to porous and weaker bones.

This could be one of the reasons why Osteoporosis is so common in the west even though a lot more dairy is consumed.

Simple dietary changes can make your blood more alkaline which will help keep your bones healthy.

  1. Always eat a salad with meat.  Western diet is very high in meat, which can be damaging to the blood pH balance.  Its best to cut down on meat and choose plant based sources of protein.  However, if you are eating meat then have a salad with it or dark green vegetables.
  2. Eat lots of vegetables, especially dark green vegetables and fruit too this helps to alkalise the blood.
  3. Reduce your sugar intake by cutting down on deserts and substituting with fresh fruits.
  4. Cutting down on tea, coffee, alcohol will help too.  Choose water as often as possible.  If you dont like drinking plain water then try adding a slice of lemon or a slice of cucumber, a piece of ginger or some fresh mint to your water.
  5. Avoid processed, refined foods.  Steer away from white flour products by switching to whole wheat, or try other grains, like oatmeal, quinoa, millet, bulgur, brown rice etc.

Cut down on some of these acid-forming foods.  Alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, white sugar, artificial sweeteners, most boxed cereals as they are highly processed, cheese, meats.

Increase your intake of some of these foods that have an alkaline effect on your blood. Lemons and citrus fruits, (although acidic they have a very alkalising effect on the body) all salads, parsley and other herbs, seaweed, garlic, ginger, alfalfa sprouts, and almost all vegetables and fruits.

Bonus: Cancer cells cant grow in an alkaline environment.



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