
The Weighting Game

In my profession I come across so many people who are unhappy about the way they look and frustrated about the way they feel.  Whether this is at a conscious or a subconscious level, it can deeply influence their moods and their self-talk, which over time affects their self-esteem bringing their quality of life down.

This frustration leads them to look for quick solutions to lose those extra pounds. They end up going on fad diets, cutting out food groups and lowering their calorie intake by skipping meals or starving themselves to lose a few pounds.  These results do show up as weight loss.  Yeah!! Success!! Maybe – but only short lived.

Here are some of my tips to losing FAT

1/ Dump your diet

Going on a diet is not the answer: it only provides a short-term solution to a long-term problem.  Let’s face it: if diets did work we would all be skinny and it wont be a  £30 million industry!  Besides, counting calories and weighing food is not how we are meant to live. It may help you to lose weight really fast, (mainly water and lean muscle) but it comes back on with a vengeance and the lost lean muscle is replaced by fat.  It also slows down your metabolism, which makes it a challenge to keep the weight off.

2/ Get rid of your weighing scales

Your weight can fluctuate anywhere between 2 to 6 pounds in one day and if you are a female it is hugely affected by the monthly cycle.  If you must, absolutely must weigh yourself then resist the urge to weigh yourself daily.  Just weigh yourself once a week, ideally first thing in the morning.  I would recommend investing in a Body Composition Monitor that uses an Electrode Technology to monitor your body fat, muscle mass, bone mass etc, its a lot more accurate, work towards building muscle and losing fat.

3/ Eat more whole foods

It’s much easier to over eat on processed foods, but by eating more whole foods you get more fibre in your diet, which is satisfying and helps you feel fuller for longer.  You are not likely to over eat on brown rice but it’s easily done on white sticky rice.  Whole foods take longer to break down into sugar and enter the bloodstream more slowly therefore less likely to cause insulin related problems. So, by eating more of the best, you will eat less of the rest.

4/ Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, combining all food groups

It’s much better to eat little and often rather then skipping meals and then eating a big meal. Having 5 to 6 small meals and snacks will ensure your blood sugar level doesn’t drop which results in cravings.

Make sure for every meal you combine a good Lean Protein with low Glycemic Carbs, Essential Fats and Fiber.  It’s easier than you think – for example, you could have an apple with a handful of nuts.  An apple gives you the low Glycemic carb and roughage (from the skin) and almonds will give you the good quality protein and essential fats. Simples!

5/ Always plan you meals in advance

If your meals for the week are planned and the grocery shopping done you are less likely to grab processed or convenience food and more likely to take a yummy salad to work.  Getting the meat out of the freezer before you go to work in the morning, having a fridge full of your favorite veggies will get you cooking a quick meal when you get home late from work.  Even making a quick omelet and having it with a salad is a healthy option.  Or throw a sweet potato in the oven (it takes about 20 minutes to cook) whilst you prepare a small salad and go through your post.

If you would like more personalised, individual support to help you lose weight, I am now currently taking enrolments for my “28 Days to a Slim and Sexy You Programme” to improve your health with the benefit of losing weight and keeping it off.

It includes a FREE consultation, 5 coaching calls, tons of handout material, daily tips and yummy recipes to make sure you feel great and keep the weight off forever. Email me if you’re interested, or for more information

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